Dr Saurov Baruah is pioneer of Laparoscopic Surgery in lower Assam has completed his MBBS degree from prestigious Assam Medical college Dibrugarh followed by his post graduation from Gauhati Medical College in 2004. Dr Baruah has also completed his fellowship in Traumatology from Liverpool hospital, Sydney, Australia in 2009.
Dr Saurov Baruah now based on Rangia Sparsh Hospital is performing all kinds of gastrointestinal and Colo Rectal surgeries including laser technology for piles ,fistula and he is also a visiting consultant of Anorectal Surgery at Apollo Excelcare hospital, Guwahati
Happy Patients
Trusted By
Years of Experience
Major Surgeries.
By using Diode laser we have been doing haemorrhoidoplasty for last one year. The basic advantages of such kind of surgeries are that little or no post operative pain as we don’t cut any tissue; very quick post operative recovery etc. patient can resume his daily works from the next day onwards.
This also very minimally invasive surgery which we perform with the help of video endoscope and diode laser(hybrid technique). These kind of surgeries are almost painless, very quick recovery, with or without little complications.
Management may be conservative or laparotomy. We are well experienced in handling acute abdominal conditions with experienced and able team members.
We routinely do common bile duct exploration laparoscopically. It is very safe and cost effective in our hospital.
We have a large number of cases of difficult gall bladder operated laparoscopically. It also a very safe surgery
We do a lot of laparoscopic hernia surgeries. We perform posterior component separation for the large incisional hernias as I-POM technique has become obsolete now
As the surgeries of the various regions of the human body have become minimally invasive, surgeries of the ano-rectal regions are also becoming minimally invasive now a days. The myth that rectal diseases are not curable by surgery has gone now. It is possible because these surgeries are done with very minimal tissue handling so … Continue reading Surgeries of rectal diseases
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